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Julie Jones, Life Coach at Golden Goose Consulting

"The only thing constant in life is change."

Change is circumstantial.  Transitions are psychological.  How well are you embracing transitions?  Kids starting high school, driving, dating, turning 18, off to college….

Navigate changes of circumstance and the accompanying emotional and relational transitions that follow.  

GEMs of Wisdom from "Transitions" by Julie Jones of Golden Goose Consulting:

The only thing constant in life is change.  

Change is circumstantial.  Transition is psychological.  Change is an event.  Transition is a process.   Change is visible.  Transition is what’s happening inside us.

 Change can happen quickly.  Transitions take weeks, months, years through often through very rough waters.  You may feel you are barely clinging to hope and identity.

Transition is not just a nice way to say change.  It is the inner process through which people come to terms with a change, as they let go of the way things used to be and reorient them to the way things are now.

Four encouragements on ending well 1) Say your thank you’s and say your goodbyes. 2)  Stay flexible. Grief of loss comes in waves.  It is better to relax and float or you can get knocked over by the waves. 3) Don’t bury feelings 4)  If it is possible, make peace.  See Romans 12:8

After an ending or close of chapter, a new beginning is on the horizon.  But the time between is the neutral zone.  Most people struggle through the neutral zone with feelings such as “I’m lost.  I’m alone. No one can relate.” We navigate the neutral zone with either negative coping behaviors (Mania.  Frozen in place.  Medication.  Alcohol.  Poor eating habits.  Denial.  Over spiritualizing.  Become dependent on someone else) or positive coping behaviors (Keep your eyes on Jesus to avoid sinking like Peter did when he walked on water. Pray. Fellowship. Seek counsel.  Journal.  Exercise.  Revisit hobbies.  Embrace new directions and second chances). The neutral zone can feel out of control or it can be a time of creativity if we don’t try to rush through it.

From Ecclesiastes 3, we are reminded how God appoints time & seasons.  He is in control. Change has purpose.  All things work together for good for those who believe.  Things change, but God does not.  Christians undergo some of the greatest changes. We were lost then found.  Dead then alive. We are stretched, refined, and hearts are transformed to become more like Him.  Our part is to know Him, love Him and love others.  Reflect Him, point others to Him. Offer hope by speaking truth & demonstrating grace. Believe Him. Prayer is important. Prayer matters. Miracles happen.